Google has launched 3 new and useful apps for mobile users

by - March 19, 2020

Google has launched 3 new and useful apps for mobile users

     Friends, Google has launched three new apps for you, so today's article is about those apps. There is some research done in Google lab, there is some invention and Google keeps bringing something new every day, in this link, Google has brought three new apps, so today I am going to tell you about them. And in this episode, 3 new apps have been left by Google and nowadays we will learn about an app in turn.

 1. Storyboard

     The name of this app is Storyboard. And this is what converts your video into a comic layout, that is, you can enjoy your video as a comic layout as an image and also share it with your friend and two hundred talks about that type. If you had a storyboard, then perhaps when you search it in the play store, you should not see it because it is new and it is written under the report that research and Google have been thinking about the benefits of Google. If so, I will give the download link of this to the article, let me tell you about this, that these are only available for Android and open from here, let me show you what a job does, then see here when you if you open it, then what is there on the very simple interface that you have to select any of your videos, then click on the video and select any one of your web from here and here you want to convert what is right here in your comic layout, from your video it collects the image which it is and here it is decorated in a very beautiful way in the comic layout, then see here the process. It takes a bit of time to come and all of you started everywhere in it, so when you do it here, then the filter will change in it, it will change in different ways, so with this, you can make your video as an image and there is an option to save it or share it. You can also share it, which is a little different, it is the only one of its kind. Which translates into a comic layout image of your video that is. And definitely try this app.

 2. Selfissimo

     The name of this app is Selfissimo. This app is for Android and iOS, it is available for both devices, which is a great gift for a selfish lover because when we take Selfish, what happens many times is that if we take a hundred selfies then one goes to ours. If you are brought here, you can get rid of the fry problems, and the most fun is that you do not have to click anywhere, you just keep speaking, you keep giving it to yourself and clicking your picture by itself. You will be there, and when you have given what you want to take, then after that you just tap on whoever is on the simple screen. When you type, all the pictures of yourself clicked here, which is here will come and you can see your favorite picture from there, whatever picture you want to take, your original picture, whatever it shows the clip when it is there and whatever picture you want to set, you can do it from there. Lect it by deleting the one you want to delete, so in this way, you can easily see your photos here, by scrolling and taking different photocopies in different poses. If taken in white, it may be fixed in the upcoming updates, but there are many times when you click while taking a selfie, you get a selfie from it and the picture is not right. There is no need to click here if you can come, you just keep giving your poses and will keep taking a picture of it, and still, it is okay not to do anything bad in it but if you are black and white, then eat a bit here. Goes but it can be a big gift for all these films, just the color florist gets affected in it. And definitely try this app.

 3. Scrubbies - Video

     The name of this app is Scrubbies - Video. These are available only for iOS devices and for Android too soon, we might have seen them in our picture or video, that the video is a little moving a little, a little goes a little further. If you go a little bit behind, then you can create such an effect which is very easy through that app because you have a video in it, it will look like an image and you will follow it back and forth. After that when you play it, then what will happen if you playback and forth in the same way as the video which is played is also a fun feature and if you want to do a little editing and put it all on, then with the help of that you create it. If you can, these are currently available only for iOS, which is the link, you will find it in the article, so if you have an iOS device then you can download it. And definitely try this app. Friends, hope that you will like these 3 apps and how you liked these 3 apps, we will definitely tell you by commenting and sharing this article.

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